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Elementary Education

Our Life Before Birth – It’s Amazing!

A look at fetal development from both a scientific and Biblical viewpoint (presented at TFCA in 2023)


In the Image of God

Explore why humans are so valuable at all stages of life, including a fascinating look at life in the womb (presented at TFCA in 2024)


God Created Them Male & Female

An excellent elementary curriculum offered by Advocates Protecting Children


Family Resource Box

Great books and other resources to share with children at home


Have you even wondered what it was like before you were born?  Why are human beings so valuable?  Are some human beings more valuable than others?  What does God say about me?


At The Falls Church Anglican, elementary age children explore questions like these during special Sunday School lessons taught by volunteers from our Anglicans for Life chapter. If you would like more details or have a small group that would enjoy these lessons, please contact Jeanne Lee at


Christian families and churches working together can instill Biblical truths in our children, so that they will not be swayed by the lies embedded in our culture which devalue human life.  Let’s come alongside parents and teach children about the sanctity of all human life, as created by God, to the glory of God.

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